Activities By Initiated Disciples In Tiruvannamalai
For Reviving And Maintaining The Enlightenment Ecosystem
Organic farming and gardening – building healthy body, providing livelihood for many
Below, gardens are maintained at Pavala Kundru, a historic hilltop location in Tiruvannamalai where The SPH has the experience of enlightenment at age 12. Along with the garden, structures including a meditation hall were also erected to offer meditation, yoga and free food in this high energy spot to create an intense enlightenment ecosystem to align with the energy and experience Oneness.
31 May 2016 – Organic farming in Kachirapattu, Tiruvannamalai. To maintain a healthy toxin-free body suitable for manifesting spiritual powers, The SPH emphasises on only organic food to be grown, cooked, consumed and served. At Kachirapattu and Athiyandal in Tiruvannamalai, organic farming is achieved by the sanyasis and dedicated volunteers. The local women in the area are offered means of livelihood through this. Following are pictures from organic farming in Kachirapattu:

31 May 2016 Kachirapattu, Tiruvannamalai – Land is ploughed and readied for farming

31 May 2016, Kachirapattu, Tiruvannamalai – Land is being ploughed and readied for organic farming
11 Nov 2017 Athiyandal, Tiruvannamalai – Sanyasis (monks) and dedicated volunteers offer worship (Top left) through deep Oneness with the Divine on the land before commencing the fresh cycle of farming. In the enlightenment ecosystem of Kailaasa, before any activity, one enters into deep Oneness. The result of the activity then manifests as sheer power. In the subsequent photographs, the land is then ploughed.
12 Nov 2017 Athiyandal, Tiruvannamalai – A Sanyasi (monk) sows the seeds of green gram on the ploughed land. The sacred Arunachala Hill stands in the distance blessing the land.

25 Jan 2018 – Sanyasis (monks) and local women for whom the organic farming provides a means of livelihood, harvest green gram. The women are happy to live in the enlightenment ecosystem earning their livelihood and aligning to the whole cause.
Annadaan – free food for all. Three free satvic
(food cooked with positive energy) meals a day for sadhus (ascetics) and others .
To completely support living in the enlightenment ecosystem of Tiruvannamalai, the monastery established by The SPH serves free food three times a day to the sadhus (ascetics) and people of the kingdom. Every person has the luxury not to cook in their home but to walk in here and have all three meals. Every kind of support is thus available to live inside this ecosystem and pursue the path of enlightenment. Following are pictures from the everyday anna daan (free food distribution) that happens here.

1 May, 2016

1 June, 2016

The Sanyasis enter into Oneness through worship and offer the cooked food to the Divine before serving the food to the ascetics and others.

Sanyasis (monks) serve free food everyday

People form a queue to be served the free night meal.

Wandering ascetics partake the offered meal and rest a bit inside the monastery.
Full moon night services – Anna daan (free food) and other spiritual services through power manifestation every full-moon night
Every full moon night atleast 3 million pilgrims converge in Tiruvannamalai and circumambulate the sacred Arunachala Hill. The monastery of The SPH in Tiruvannamalai is located in the circumambulation path. The Sanyasis (monks) and devotees serve the 3 million pilgrims with free food, refreshments, shelter, rituals that can be performed directly by the devotees and a host of spiritual services through spiritual power manifestation as follows:
- Spiritual healing of disease through touch and through power of ‘Third Eye’
- Akashic readings as answers to one’s life-problems
- Disease diagnosis through ‘Third Eye’ body scanning
- Instant remedies for disease through ‘Third Eye’ power

31 Mar, 2018 Just before lighting the stove to start cooking for the million pilgrims of the full moon night, the Sanyasis and devotees enter into Oneness through ritualistic worship.

31 Mar 2018 – The flame from the sacred worship is brought and the cooking fire is lit, thus commencing the cooking for the marathon free food service that lasts over 48 hours.
Devotees joyfully cook large quantities of food non-stop until the last circumambulating pilgrim is served food.

Food is prepared by devotees who gather every month a day before the full moon night, to joyfully immerse themselves in the various services being offered
Devotees joyfully cook large quantities of food non-stop until the last circumambulating pilgrim is served food.

31 March, 2018 – Anna daan (free food) is served through multiple food counters that are closely monitored to enable a smooth and quick service for the thronging crowd.

22 April 2016 – Chitra Pournami celebrations at the monastery in Tiruvannamalai. Of all the full moon nights called Pournami, the one that falls in the Vedic month Chitra is special. The number of pilgrims visiting Tiruvannamalai that night becomes multifold. (top) In these photographs one can see initiated disciples of The SPH administering spiritual healing to the circumambulating pilgrims. (bottom) The pilgrims watch satsang (spiritual talks of The SPH) projected on the large screen. Through the satsang, powerful Truths are imparted to them as part of the enlightenment ecosystem offering.

22 April 2016 – Chitra Pournami celebrations at the monastery in Tiruvannamalai. Of all the full moon nights called Pournami, the one that falls in the Vedic month Chitra is special. The number of pilgrims visiting Tiruvannamalai that night becomes multifold. (top) In these photographs one can see initiated disciples of The SPH administering spiritual healing to the circumambulating pilgrims. (bottom) The pilgrims watch satsang (spiritual talks of The SPH) projected on the large screen. Through the satsang, powerful Truths are imparted to them as part of the enlightenment ecosystem offering.
Ancient Yogic Powers Revived
The ancient rishis of Kailaasa manifested spiritual powers as a lifestyle, helping the people through it. The SPH has re-established the stream of spiritual power manifestors on the planet today. In these photographs, initiated disciples radiate spiritual powers, healing people through their awakened Third Eye, harnessing the akashic records and reading them out as answers to the people’s questions, giving energised bhasma (sacred ash) to heal, scanning the body of the individuals and precisely diagnosing the health disorders as well as prescribing instant remedies and much more.
Science of Akashic Readings: The initiated disciples connect to Kalabhairava, the Lord of Time and Space, and become privy to the Cosmic Archives called Akashic records. When any person approaches them with a question about their life issues, the answer appears to them as golden letters which they read out verbatim.

(Top) 8 Jul 2017 and bottom (31 Mar 2018) – Akashic Readings and healing for Pournami Pilgrims by the Balasants (child Saints) of Kailaasa’s Nithyananda Gurukul

Pada Yatra – A sacred journey by foot
On four occasions in a year, devotees undertake a 10-day pada yatra – a sacred journey by foot from the monastery in Tiruvannamalai to the monastery in Bengaluru where The SPH resides. They carry with them a bag of rice and coconut which symbolically represent one’s karmas (unfulfilled thoughts and actions) and individual ego (which separates one from Oneness) and offer the same at the feet of the Guru at the end of the Pada Yatra. This is an ancient tradition in the enlightenment ecosystem of Kailaasa.

26 Feb 2016 – Devotees commence the Pada Yatra from Tiruvannamalai on the occasion of the upcoming Shiva Ratri festival.

30 June 2017 – Devotees gather at the monastery to begin the 10-day Pada yatra (sacred journey by foot) to the monastery in Bengaluru on the occasion of Guru Purnima – the day of celebrating and giving gratitude to one’s Guru, or Master.
Daily worship at Pavala Kundru
Pavala Kundru in Tiruvannamalai is a hilltop location where The SPH had His first experience of Enlightenment at age 12. This is a high energy center in the enlightenment ecosystem of Tiruvannamalai. It is the space where Hindu History records that Devi, the Divine Consort of Paramasiva meditated and realised the Cosmic Union of the male and female energies within herself. And it is the same space where The SPH experienced enlightenment and had a 360-degree vision through His awakened Third Eye (energy center located between the eyebrows). The rock on which He sat when the experience happened is worshipped as the Paramasiva Shila (Shila meaning rock) today, and offers an enlightenment ecosystem with a high possibility for the experience, to anyone who enters into Oneness here. Every single day, Sanyasis (monks) or devotees offer ritualistic worship here and the locals participate in it. Following are photographs from the everyday worship that happens here:

Sanyasis offer religious and spiritual services at people’s homes
To keep the enlightenment ecosystem alive, the Sanyasis (monks) reach out to people’s homes and offer religious and spiritual services thus emphasising the need for every home to be an independent ecosystem nurturing enlightenment-based activities.

27 June, 2016 – A sanyasi performs the Guru Puja (ritualistic offering at the Guru’s feet) in a person’s home in Tiruvannamalai. The elders and children alike participate in it.
City Center activities: EnVidyalaya – enlightening education for children and Ritualistic Pujas
Sanyasis teach children at the city center in Tiruvannamalai. The city center is near Iyyan Kulam, a famous spot in the map of Tiruvannamalai.

EnVidyalaya – enlightening education for children